Saturday, 12 May 2012

Thing 1

So this is week one of 23 things for Professional development and I already feel uncomfortable with writing in this style!  I am new to blogging and have always dismissed it in the past as something for people who have too much time on their hands with very little to say that is interesting.  However after hearing so much about it recently,  I now feel that it is time to see for myself what blogging is like and if I have been wrong about it for the last few years.

The reason I have started CDP23 is because nowadays librarians are being told all the time from all areas, that social media is the future and that we all have to emerse ourselves in it to remain the professionals that we aready are.  I am very sceptical about this and also mildly annoyed as well but at the same time I can see the good that social media can have in promoting my profession to an extent.  I hope that CPD23 can help me to make up my mind on this question and even enlighten me.  I am looking forward to finding out more about my profession and learning how I can help my career to progress.

At the moment, I am completing my MA in library and information studies and will hopefully at some time in the future find myself a permanent library job but in this job market who knows!  I have so little idea as to the path my career will take or where I will end up and in some ways it's quiet exciting to just let life take you where it wants to but at the same time very scary.

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